Digital Marketing, Personal Branding and a bit of Productivity

Jessica Torres
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 5, 2021


So yes, we survived 2020, now time to plan 2021.

The truth is that while many brands and corporations had a plan to be more intentional about their digital strategies, after being hit with this pandemic there is actually no other option anymore. Understanding how to create a digital strategy and most importantly how to create your personal brand is essential these days. That is why I am creating this blog and I really hope you like it and take something from it. I will be sharing what I am learning along the way about digital marketing, personal branding (which I love) and productivity, you know, we need to stay on track.

Let me share a little bit about myself first. I have been working in the entertainment industry for about 5 years. First, I started as a reported for a local Spanish channel, then, I worked creating digital content for a studio in Manhattan and that led me to work for a multicultural marketing agency. In this startup, we worked directly with Fortune 500 clients in the management, creation, and development of multicultural marketing campaigns for clients such as Pepsi and WW. I was loving the work we were doing, but… the coronavirus came and I found myself without a job. Yes, the sad reality that many of us faced. However, between us, things have not been that bad, I am currently doing my Masters in Integrated Marketing at NYU and I am actually loving this experience even more, I am learning so much and I will be sharing this knowledge with you, so I guess you too will benefit from me being fired back in March.

One thing I learned while working at the agency was how important it is to be skilled in the digital world. Every company, every brand is trying to achieve the same thing: connecting with their ideal audience, and you learn so much about this when you start understanding personal branding. This is a topic I love and I cannot wait to share some tips with you in my next blog. But going back to what I learned while at the agency, “video marketing” is one of the most effective ways to reach and connect with our ideal audience. The average time people spend watching videos has doubled in the last couple of years. That is why after being fired I decided to learn how to vlog, meaning doing the whole process filming and editing short clips where I actually talk about Digital Marketing, Personal Branding and a Bit of Productivity. Yes, I have already been talking about these topics for a while.

So, all of this is to say: Welcome to my blog! I wanted to share a little bit about myself first and wanted to let you know I will be posting an article every week about the topics mentioned. By the way, if you speak Spanish, you can check my blog Here you will get the same kind of content, but in my native language. See you next week.



Jessica Torres
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Graduate student with loads of passion for digital marketing, personal branding and productivity. Integrated and digital marketing student at NYU.